No Mario's Sky


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NO MARIO'S SKY - all the fun of No Man's sky but 100% more Mario and 100% less money.

(3 edits)

i found 2 issues

1. if i stand at a wall corner, then jump, i will stuck there

2. some mobs float in the air

PS: hope u can publish it at steam;)


3. another issue: if i fall to some (grey) stone, i crossed it. (the situation is XSSSX, X is brick, S is stone)

Deleted 8 years ago

Perhaps it's a performance issue. You could try running the game in low quality.

It was. Thank you

We just noticed some crazy behaviour in low quality where the game runs way too fast. But it might be ok for you if your machine isn't very high spec. We'll be pushing out an update tomorrow to fix that.

So I downloaded your guys game, and I have a Chromebook. It won't let me open the file and actually play the game.

We've never tested it on a Chromebook. The Chromebook uses Chrome OS which is a Linux OS. Did you try the Linux version?

ChromeOS doesn't run downloadable games. Short of unlocking developer mode and installing another operating system (not trivial), you're out of luck.

Is there a save option? Running the mac version

Sorry, there's no save feature at the moment!


still better than NMS

(1 edit)

I am unable to jump using space bar. Even if I reset it to space bar or switch space bar and z (the button it insists on using as "jump), I cannot get it to accept any input from the space bar. I even tried changing the jump input to another reasonable key, 'c', but it will only take z as the jump input.

In the input dialog, try setting the "Fire1" to space.


Thanks! It is working now.

i tried downloading the windows version using chrome and firefox. and it always stops @ 4mb of download. I've tried disabling my Anti Virus, and it's still the same. :(


Sorry about that, hiccup with our download server. Should be good now.

Rad as hell! Something seems to be busted with the Windows file though, for some reason on multiple machines I can only download 4mb before it stops but OSX is fine.


Should be fixed now, the download server had some issues! Sorry for the trouble

Keeps on saying "the archive is either in unknown format or damaged" on the windows version when i try to extract/run it


Should be good now, try again

Add Sonic xD

Deleted 6 years ago

Proper controller support is in there now. Hold the jump button down to go faster in the ship.

Anyone able to find where the game writes it's saves/config? I've run Directory Monitor and I've even checked the Registry. No dice.

In Windows the config is saved into the registry in HKCU\Software\ASMB\No Mario's Sky.

Thank you so much! The the find tool couldn't find it for whatever reason, and I completely missed the ASMB menu when looking through. Phew. Long day. Lots of fun! Thanks for the quick reply!


thats no man sky ints boring and you cant do anything ahha

(1 edit) (+1)

I'd love to see more of this game from you guys! I did have a few issues however whilst playing:

1. You can clip inside of a block and get stuck.

2. When you jump while moving you lose all momentum built up.

Other then these two things everything is fantastic! I'd love to see this further developed! Keep up the good work! :D

To unstuck yourself jump 3 times away from the wall you're stuck in.

pony town


This is fantastic!


Hilarious. But the controls are so stiff and awkward I can barely play for more than a minute.

Deleted 6 years ago

Yep! We'll probably expand it out and re-theme it over the next few months. :)


60 USD$

(3 edits)

This is incredible, and to think you guys made it in 72 hours is remarkable. Others mentioned it, but I did run into a couple of clipping issues with blocks, had to jump my way out. Also, landing seems to be kind of sticky, you lose almost all momentum when you land from a jump. Would love to see gamepad support as well. Otherwise, I'm loving this so far! Thanks for sharing it with the community!

Here's some gameplay if anyone is interested:

(1 edit) (+2)

Do you intend to keep developing it? I'd love to see more procedurally generated stuff like power-ups, projectiles, backgrounds and... turtles!


This is way better the the actual No Man's Sky game!!

Deleted 2 years ago

This is true. Fair enough

Very cool! A couple of issues I noticed right away though: running it on a 144hz monitor seems to speed up the physics to an unplayable level. I had to move the window over to my second, 60hz monitor. Consider using a variable timestep. Also, you can clip into walls by holding forward and mashing jump. Otherwise, not bad at all!

I've just uploaded a new build that should hopefully fix the issue you were seeing on your 144hz monitor. Let us know how it goes!

Great Game! My only problems are that I screwed up the controls and don't know how the heck I'm supposed to reset them. I've deleted and redownloaded the game several times but somehow the game still uses my modified controls. The other issue is with the FAQ. What do you mean by "If you pass -resetPrefs as a command line argument to NoMariosSky.exe then you'll restart at World 1-1"? I've already tried running -resetPrefs in the CMD in the same location as NoMariosSky.exe but it doesn't work "'-resetPrefs' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.".

It means you would type "NoMariosSky.exe -resetPrefs" without quotes in the command line at NoMariosSky.exe's path. "NoMariosSky.exe" is the command and "-resetPrefs" is an argument that the command understands. Hope this also resets your controls.

(2 edits)

OK so -resetPrefs worked as intended. It didn't reset the controls but I've set them to what I believe to be the default controls.

Strange that it didn't reset the controls. The settings are stored in the registry in HKCU\Software\ASMB\No Mario's Sky so you could delete that registry key. We'll look into it!

I deleted the registry key and reloaded the game. The controls appear to have reset to default.


More effort put into this then a call of duty game.

Deleted 5 years ago

if the other button is x, why would you make the second action button y? they are so far apart on the keyboard, z and x have been used in emulators and flash games this way for years, are you just now learning about the internet?


I think I can explain, where the confusion lies in here and why the choice of X and Z as default buttons is a bad one.

Anglo-American other countries use the QWERTY keyboard layout, where X and Y are conveniently placed alongside each other. Many other countries however use other keyboard layouts. In the German language area, for example, the position of Y and Z is switched when compared to QWERTY (the layout used in those countries is called QWERTZ because of that). So having X and Z as default action buttons will work fine, if you live in the UK, the US, Canada, Australia etc, but it is a horrible choice on QWERTZ keyboards.

Cogito ergo sum: I would politely ask ASMB Games to remap the default action keys. S and D or A and D would be a good choice for example, as those letters are placed on the same position on basically any widespread keyboard layout. Which is also the reason why W, A, S and D are the standard movement keys for every ego-shooter game on the PC ;)

You can reconfigure the controls in the configuration window that appears at the start. Click on the "input" tab and choose whatever controls you like!


It's a mix parody of No Man's Sky and Super Mario Bros.


No way! Really??

It is only that it is two-dimensional, at least inspired and mixed the two game concepts.

How did you come to this conclusion?

Because I knew what the game before play


Here buddy: sarcasm I thought this may help...


it would be better if worlds looked like worlds from Mario Galaxy.
Still, fantastic game for a 72 hours.

xUbuntu 16.04 x64 - crashes without logs :-(

cashier@cashier-ELS:~/NoMariosSky$ ./

Running x86_64 from /home/cashier/NoMariosSky/NoMariosSky.x86_64..

Found path: /home/cashier/NoMariosSky/NoMariosSky.x86_64

Mono path[0] = '/home/cashier/NoMariosSky/NoMariosSky_Data/Managed'

Mono path[1] = '/home/cashier/NoMariosSky/NoMariosSky_Data/Mono'

Mono config path = '/home/cashier/NoMariosSky/NoMariosSky_Data/Mono/etc'

displaymanager : xrandr version warning. 1.5

displaymanager : trying .X11-unix

client :0 has 1 screens

displaymanager screen (0): 1280 x 1024

Using libudev for joystick management

Importing game controller configs


That's all :-(

Could you see if this log file exists:

~/.config/unity3d/ASMB/No Mario's Sky/Player.log

and if so email it to


Truly incredible that you made something like this in 72 hours.


Looks really nice, and greate idea ))

(2 edits) (+3)

Really nice work, though I have a big gripe about the character controls. For some reason you're completely cancelling out his velocity whenever he touches the ground or hits a block with his head and it really puts a hamper on the enjoyment. Should just set friction on your character collider and let it come to a stop naturally, or lerp() down, to give it more of a Mario feel.

Also, I've found myself getting stuck in colliders, especially if you have 4+ blocks stacked and you go up close and start jumping, you can nudge yourself in until you die, very odd haha



Great game!! Thanks!


Glad you liked it :)

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